I was raised in the shoe family of Januzzi's Shoes. The ditty on the radio in the 80's went something like this: "All over the street, to happy feet. Get your shoozies at Januzzi's."

For some, they put on their writer's hat. For me, I wear my writer's shoes.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

When I Miss Her

When I Miss Her


My mother called me beautiful
as rains pounded against glass
and a gloomy mood
set down and hushed the hallways.

In her chosen chair,
she stirred in fits and starts
complained my hands were cold
squeezed them ‘til they turned blue.

When finally she woke
to walk back to her bed
she reached her tender hands
to cup my face and in
her native custom
kissed both my suntanned cheeks.

My mother called me beautiful -
as someone she might know?
A variation on her self?

My mother called me beautiful
then returned to rest
rain still rapping on the roof.


Anonymous said...

what a beautiful poem! made me think of how my mother spoke with me and beautiful memories of what my mom and I enjoyed doing together.

Ellen Austin-Li said...

Beautiful! You ARE beautiful!