I was raised in the shoe family of Januzzi's Shoes. The ditty on the radio in the 80's went something like this: "All over the street, to happy feet. Get your shoozies at Januzzi's."

For some, they put on their writer's hat. For me, I wear my writer's shoes.

Friday, January 06, 2012

Self Space

Self Space
Clean out the closet of your “self.”
Toss out right or wrong.
Some days, you will feel right.
            Remember those days.

Do not expect perfection but be open
            to humility.
Gather friends, hold them near.
            Keep writing more so.

Let go of the warm bed in
            winter’s mornings.
Do not write willy nilly, but
            with intention.

Proclaim that you are the goddess
you have been looking for.
Capture while you can the poignancy
of the transient moment.

You will never be done, you have
            barely begun.


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