I was raised in the shoe family of Januzzi's Shoes. The ditty on the radio in the 80's went something like this: "All over the street, to happy feet. Get your shoozies at Januzzi's."

For some, they put on their writer's hat. For me, I wear my writer's shoes.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Feeling the risks inherent in the deep things of the soul - 12/6/08

Here in my writing is where I confront my meanest self, my angriest person. Here I challenge the fearful little girl inside of me. I push the conservative woman and pull for the liberal one, then turn around and pull, then push. Here in this blank space is where I pencil in my blessings and color in my joy. Here is where I find a courageous writer and a shy friend. And here is where I discover the strongest mother whose knees are sometimes weak.

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